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5 Things Your Baby Really Wants for Christmas

I know. I know. You’re busy. Believe me, I get it. You have cookies to bake, a house to decorate and presents to buy. Not to mention the fact that you’re taking care of a baby who is probably finding new and creative ways to get into and on the tree. . .that is if he’s old enough. You’re probably looking at cooking or at least bringing some big dish to the next event, and attending several family get-togethers. So I’m going to simplify things for you and tell you what your baby really wants for Christmas. Go ahead and skip the latest toy with lights, bells and whistles and keep reading.

1. Cuddles

Your baby really wants time with you and your spouse during the Christmas season. He wants to be loved and cuddled and doesn’t care so much about the dancing Elmo. At a time when routines are changing, dad has vacation time, and there seems to be constant stimuli, your baby wants the comfort and closeness that comes from cuddling. Try wearing your baby when you get super busy.

2. Routine

Your baby isn’t served well by several weeks of a constantly changing routine due to excessive business. He needs his regular naptimes, his time to be fed, and his time to roll around on the floor. Keeping his routine mostly the same will help prevent sickness, melt downs, and insanity. It will help you get rest too!

3. Safety

Christmas decorations are awfully pretty but can pose serious safety hazards to your baby. We have actually opted to not put a tree up this year and last because I cannot prevent the twins 100% of the time from possibly pulling the tree down. We’ve opted instead to decorate around the windows, hang garland around door frames and around the ceiling. . .but everything breakable or dangerous is packed away for a year when they are older. Assess your situation and consider putting aside some of those decorations for another year.

4. A Consistent and Non-Stressed Mom

Your baby needs a mother who doesn’t over react. I don’t know about you, but I tend to over react to spills and other little incidents when I’m tired and stressed. Instead of wishing for more hours in the day, take the time to decide what you can and cannot do. Maybe you can skip Christmas cookies this year. . .or bake a few less. But your baby needs to see the consistent and patient version of you, not the stressed and frazzled.

5. Protection

This final item is true for all babies but especially preemies. Your preemie needs to be protected from relatives. He’s cute, he’s cuddly, and he’s healthiest next to you. Don’t let everyone hold him at the family gathering. Adults can carry RSV and simply have a slight runny nose or soar throat. That same virus passed to your preemie or newborn can cause serious respiratory distress and sometimes even death. Pass out the Purell or keep your baby in a sling or carrier next to you. Yes, some relative might think you horribly rude but trust me–you can live with being thought of as rude much more easily than you can live with a hospitalized baby.