We’ve talked about baby showers and baby gifts before, so what can you offer for a new baby that hasn’t already been gifted at the baby shower and more? The following five gifts are a great help for new arrivals.
1. Garment Extenders
Basic Comfort offers these Garment Extenders in batches of 3 for four dollars or 6 for six dollars. They are ideal for making those teeny tiny onesies that your baby grows out of in no time flat last longer. In the first year of life, kids go through clothes faster than you can do a load of laundry – the garment extenders are a great gift for frugal parents with new babies.
2. Baby Swing
A baby swing may seem like a natural gift at a baby shower, but I know lots of new parents who’ve never received one. You want to shop for the swing that offers you multiple settings both for speed, intervals, music and how the seat can be set. In an ideal world, the swing will grow with your baby and you won’t need to replace it in six months. Most babies outgrow their swing after the first year or so – so invest in a swing that offers the best flexibility and safety features.
3. Weekly Sitting
Is your sister having a new baby? What about your brother? Your best friend? Your cousin? If you are close to someone who is about have a brand new baby or just had one in their lives, offer them about three hours a week in an evening so that they can have an evening off. Babies can be a tremendous drain on energy, emotional, physical and mental – your gift of a few hours to the parents where they can take a break and go out or even just take it easy at home is a lot more precious than a receiving blanket.
4. Lullabye CDs or Cassettes
When my nephew was born, my sister-in-law’s coworkers bought her a collection of lullabyes on CD that she can carry in her car. It’s a great set of CDs and offers beautiful music with and without lyrics. Plop one in the CD player and my nephew is snoozing in no time flat. They are soothing for him when he is not feeling well too. It’s also a great way to refresh yourself on the lyrics found in lullabies.
5. Daddy Gear
Give daddies some good baby shower type gifts from dadgear.com like a DadGear Diaper Vest and more. These items are specifically designed for dads and babies. What better way to help dad get involved than give him his own daddy gear for looking after their baby.
What other great gifts can you think of?
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