We have reached the end of my “52 Fitness Changes” series. I will be ending with the final two changes in this blog but I also wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to encourage you.
My suggestion is you print off these changes and then decide which order you will follow them. But it doesn’t have to be one change per week. You could step things up a notch and decide you are going to make two changes each week or more.
Maybe if you are really driven, you will make one change per day. The point is that hopefully I have given you a starting point.
Too often we want to make changes but we don’t know how. We don’t know which ones to make. We may feel overwhelmed at the different things we could do. So in our discouragement, we do nothing.
I want to motivate people to do something. I want to give you tangible goals that you can shoot for.
You may decide not to follow any of the changes I suggested and instead, come up with your own. I hope that something in this blog series has sparked a desire to make healthy lifestyle changes.
Now onto the final two changes…
Week 51 – Make a nutritious smoothie for a snack (a simple one is mixing fresh fruit, a little bit of skim milk and ice)
Week 52 – Slow down when you are eating. Taking your time can help prevent you from overeating.
Remember, fitness is about taking care of you in all ways. Getting enough sleep, exercising, eating a healthy diet, visiting your doctor, reducing stress in your life…these are all part of living a fit lifestyle.
It’s not just to look better, to shed some pounds or to fit in your favorite dress. It is to enjoy life, live longer and be the best you can be.
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Photo by aschaeffer in stock.xchng