Prayer is such an important part of life and not just our lives but of those around us. The most important thing any of us can do for our children is to pray for them daily.
Yes it’s good to pray for their safety (especially when they do things like ours have been with sky diving and other adventurous activities recently,) but even more important than praying for their physical safety is praying about the safety of their souls and their spiritual well being.
Here is a list of helpful prayers we can pray for our children
1. Pray that they will come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior early in their lives rather than later. Pray that they will be like David, Psalm 63:1 or Timothy who came to know God early, 2 Timothy 3:15, through the faithful teaching of his mother and grandmother,2 Timothy 1:5.
2. Pray that they will develop a hatred of sin, Psalm 97:10. Pray they will be convicted of their sin and learn from God’s laws and His word: Psalm 119:71. Then that they will seek God’s forgiveness for sin and keep short accounts with God, I John 1:8-9
3. Pray, as Jesus did for his disciples, that our children will be that kept from the evil one in all areas of their lives, John 17:15
4. Pray that they will be responsible, trustworthy and forgiving in their personal relationship like Joseph, Genesis 41:38-39, Genesis 45:4-11, Genesis 50:19-21 and Daniel in Daniel 6:3.
5. Pray for the one that they will marry when they grow up – that they will choose a godly partner in life and not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever, 2 Corinthians 6:14-17.
I have had ladies in my bible study groups who had entered into these relationships and seen the heartache such a union with an unbeliever can bring to both parties and the confusion and difficulties it causes with their children.
6. Pray they will trust God as Joshua and Caleb did even when others around them hold a differing view, Numbers 14:6-10 and that they will follow God wholeheartedly as these two did, Numbers 32:12
7. Pray they will be obedient to and respectful of those in authority, Romans: 13:1
If you have other thoughts about what to pray for your children, why not share them with all of us?
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