My last blog gave 2 marks of the mature Christian. Here are the remaining 5 Marks of a mature Christian.
3. Prayer for others –
This is what Paul did. He prayed for others, and what we need to do too. If you don’t have a prayer partner or are not part of a prayer covenant, can I suggest you do something about that? It’s a great help to your Christian life. It is interesting that Paul didn’t pray for them to be happy or to be healed from disease. He prayed for them to grow in their faith and spiritual understanding, and love, Philippians 1:9,
4. Increasing knowledge –
Paul prayed for the Christians that their knowledge of God would be increased, Colossians 1:9, and Ephesians 1:17. Is that what you pray for yourself and for others?
5. Patient joyful endurance –
The Thessalonians endured tribulation. Yet they also had the joy of the Holy Spirit, 1 Thessalonians 1:6. They had such an effect that they ‘became an example to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia.’ Whether we like it or not we are an example to others. It depends on what sort of example we are. The mature Christian demonstrates an example of joyful, patient endurance in trials.
6. Change –
Are you changing as you come to know God and His Word more? Are you allowing God’s Word to convict and change you into the person He want you to be. God’s aim is to conform us to the image of His Son, Romans 8:29. Sometimes as I look at my life, I see only the wrong things I have done. But that is the accuser talking. Sometimes we can’t see the growth in our lives, but others can. One thing I can be confident of is, the confidence Paul had regarding the Philippians – that God is at work. Changes are happening and God will perfect the work He is doing, Philippians 1:6.
7. Love for God’s Word.
If we want to grow as Christians and become mature we need to be consistently immersing ourselves in God’s Word. God’s Word will not only lead us to salvation, it will mature us 2 Timothy: 3:16-17.
Bible Verses from New American Standard Version
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