One major point in preparing for emergencies is to know what emergencies are more likely to develop in your area. Every part of the United States can be hit by different type of natural disasters. There really is no “safe” place to live. I don’t say this in a negative way because many of the emergencies can be prepared for and these things are just a part of life.
If you live in the Southeast, you are at an increased risk of hurricanes and flooding due to tropical storms. Another event that can hit states in the South is an ice storm. Another possibility is a tornado. If you live in the Northeast you can be affected by heavy snowstorms in the winter and ice storms as well. In the West you are at risk for flooding, earthquakes, and wildfires. In the Midwest you are at risk for tornadoes and flooding.
If you live in an area that has a higher risk for certain emergencies it is best to be prepared for them now. Other types of emergencies can affect everyone these include house fires and accidents. It is best to have plans in place to protect yourself and your family from these emergencies as well. Once the plan is in place you don’t need to spend any additional time worrying about it, because you already know what you are going to do.
Many people wonder why individuals choose to live in certain areas of the country. I have family who lives in Florida and last year they had hurricanes or the remnants of hurricanes pass over them three times. They love it in Florida and wouldn’t want to give up all the benefits from living in an area that they love. It is all about choices and then preparing according to the decisions you have made.