Okay, time to take a step back for a few minutes because the following may startle you. Yes, fitness helps improve your health. It has positive effects on your immune system and it keeps your stress levels low and helps reduce the devastating effects that stress can have on your body.
Now here’s the kicker – if you exercise to excess, you can be as destructive if not more so than if you weren’t exercising at all. Too much exercise can damage your bones, your joints and your muscles. It can also cover up problems that you did not even realize you had.
Athletes Are Not Alone
Athletes are not the only ones who are likely to be at risk. If you know someone who’s obsessed with exercising or pushing himself or herself harder or farther than anyone else – then you likely know someone who is very much at risk.
This is called over-training and over-training is just not healthy for you. Over-training can leave you feeling extremely fatigued and it can cause headaches, reduced sex drive, illness and even indigestion. For women there’s an issue with disrupted menstrual cycle. So if not exercising is bad for you and too much exercise is bad for you – what’s a person to do?
Everything in Moderation
There are plenty of recommendations out there to help you manage your exercising. For weight loss, you should do cardio four to five times a week. You are looking for about 40 to 60 minutes per session. If you want to add a weight training component to your workout – you should give yourself at least one down day between each weight training session – i.e. Monday, Wednesday, Friday are great for weight training or Tuesday/Thursday.
Learn to listen to your body – if it hurts – take a break. If you are exhausted, take a down day. Remember, rest and sleep are two essential and vital components of any fitness program. So, if you enjoy working out and you enjoy fitness – remember to keep it moderation in mind so that you benefit from your exercise and don’t hurt yourself.
Have you ever over-trained?
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