I am moving to Maryland in less than two weeks and I am a bit concerned about the price differences between Frederick County, Maryland and Virginia Beach, Virginia. Around this area, I have almost always had an Entertainment book which holds coupons and all kinds of discounts for local businesses. I discovered that I can buy one for my area – considered the Washington, D.C./Maryland edition. I know that I want to buy one as soon as I arrive there.
Here are some reasons why the Entertainment book is a great value.
1. There are books for 43 states out of the 48 continental United States. The only states that have no book at all are: Maine, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. There are also books for Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and some parts of Canada.
2. There are usually several editions, one for each area of the state, depending on how large the state is and how great the need or desire by businesses in different areas of that state.
3. Coupons, coupons, coupons! You have never seen so many coupons anywhere, and many of them have great 2-for-1 deals at restaurants.
4. They are relatively inexpensive. Most books run from $25-$45 depending on the area for which you are buying. Consider what you would save if you used five 2-for-1 coupons at area restaurants, good for up to five dollars each. If you bought your book for $25, you have already saved the amount spent on the book!
5. Deals range from fancy restaurants and fast food restaurants to airline tickets and rental cars/trucks to movie tickets and video rentals. You can find almost any kind of discount in the Entertainment book.
6. The Entertainment book is often used in fundraisers for our schools and local organizations. You will feel good not only about saving money, but about helping your community.
The Entertainment book will save you money time and again. It is a great value for anyone, especially for those of us with families.