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How to Teach About Electricity for Ages 8-13 {Review}

Book:  How to Teach About Electricity for Ages 8-13

Written by:  Susan Kilbride

Published by:  Funtastic Unit Studies

Price:  $2.99 {Kindle}

Subject:  Science

Use: For parents and teachers to learn how to teach electricity.

Homeschool Method:  Any

Grade Recommendation:  3rd-8th

Book Synopsis:

If you liked Susan Kilbride’s Science Unit Studies for Homeschoolers and Teachers, you’ll love this electricity unit. It is written in the same easy to understand format with fun activities to help kids master the concepts. Susan’s goal with her science units is to make teaching science easy for parents and teachers, and fun for kids.

My Thoughts:

Susan Kilbride has authored both science and history books that inspire a child to want to learn more and builds confidence in the teacher or homeschooler to teach the subjects.

I have a child who loves science. She is very interested in circuits and things that light up.  As you just noticed, her mother is not well versed in science.  Those things that light up are not my field of expertise.  Recently, she was given a circuit board you snap together.  She loved it so much she used it for a science fair.  I felt like a fraud because I did not think I taught her adequately in the field of electricity.  Who am I kidding, I know I did not teach her properly in electricity.  But she loved every minute of building the circuits.

Thankfully, Susan Kilbride’s, How to Teach About Electricity for Ages 8-13, came to the rescue. I know have the ability to teach the topic with confidence.  The book covers static electricity, electrical currents, switches, more circuits, short circuits, and electricity and magnetism. Of course the book also covers safety and gives you an easy to follow list of supplies.  The projects pack an educational punch while being easy for the teacher to prepare and explain.  The book holds your hand while you teach your child about a very exciting subject.  I never would have been daring enough to teach electricity before this book.  I went from a lose understanding of snap circuits to teaching topics I never thought I could.  I think I looked pretty smart, thanks to Mrs. Kilbride.  Check out this study and all her other fun studies and history books at Funtastic Unit Studies.