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A Toddler’s Perspective on Christmas

For parents of toddlers, the holidays can be a wonderful time as well as a hectic and stressful one. We all try to do so many things, and sometimes we forget to enjoy ourselves and our children amidst all of the busyness. I know that I have done that from time to time. This year, I am really focusing on how my little guys might perceive all that is going on around them. Dylan is full of questions, and I am sure that even though Blake cannot yet verbalize what he is thinking, he is filled with wonder. I would like to help them learn about what is going on as we enjoy it together.

Whether or not your little one is aware of Santa Claus, he is sure to sense that things are a little bit different now than they usually are. You may be going out shopping with him more often, and to different stores. You may be having him stay with a sitter more so that you can attend parties, shop, or do holiday projects. There are interesting decorations everywhere, including that tree in your living room. There are brightly wrapped packages under the tree, frequent visits from the UPS delivery person, and let’s not forget those yummy smelling things baking in the kitchen. I can only imagine what all of this looks like to children who are three years old and nine months old.

For the past few nights, Dylan has been having trouble getting to sleep because he is so excited about Christmas. We talk about holiday things here and there throughout the day, but mostly we do our usual things around the house and around town.  This year is really the first year that Dylan understands the whole Santa Claus phenomenon. He met him a few weeks ago, and is eager to see what he brings to our house for him and his baby brother.

From a toddler’s perspective, things can seem quite different than they appear to adults. For example, this evening as I was reading to Dylan before bed, he told me that he feared that he would not get any Christmas presents because he has not seen any of them yet. I have not told him about “naughty” and “nice” lists. My rendition of what Santa Claus does is that he brings gifts to all children. I have no idea where he got his concern from, but I do know that the minds of toddlers work in mysterious ways. I reassured him that he would certainly be getting gifts in a few days, and he was relieved.

Has your toddler come up with any interesting or funny holiday related questions or comments? I would love to hear about them.