Many people make a New Year’s Resolution to save more money this year than they did last year. It isn’t always achievable. One never knows what the next few months will bring. Fortunately, there is a way that you can save money on your grocery bill. Use plenty of coupons! Here’s a brand new batch of coupons from
I look forward to the email I get from There always are plenty of coupons in it, just waiting for me to print out and take to the store. They have also taken to writing a clever saying that goes with a photo or other type of artwork that is included in the email.
This time, the image is of a spiral notebook (like you would use to take notes at school). Someone has written her goals on it. One of the goals is to save money. The saying this time is: “New Year, New Goals. Every coupon gets you one step closer.” If you used all of the coupons in this batch, you would save a total of $5.70.
Healthy Choice has a coupon that will save you $1.00 when you buy 2 Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers.
Campbell’s SpaghettiO’s has a coupon that will save you $0.50 when you buy any 5 cans of Campbell’s SpaghettiO’s pastas.
Campbell’s has a coupon that will save you $0.40 when you buy any 3 Campbell’s Condensed Soups.
Pepperidge Farm has a coupon that will save you $0.50 when you buy any 1 package of Pepperidge Farm frozen bread or rolls. You can find them in the Freezer Aisle.
Big G Cereals has a coupon that will save you $0.50 when you buy 1 box of Cookie Crisp cereal.
Chex Mix has a coupon that will save you $0.50 when you buy any flavor of Chex Mix or Chex 100 Calorie Snack. This coupon is for the 4.5 ounce or larger sizes.
Kleenex has a coupon that will save you $0.55 when you buy any 3 boxes of Kleenex Facial Tissue. This coupon is not valid on the trial size.
Dove has a coupon that will save you $0.75 on any 1 Dove Body Wash. This coupon is for the 12 ounce or larger sizes. This coupon excludes the trial and travel sizes.
Jergens has a coupon that will save you $1.00 off any 1 New Jergens Daily Moisture or Daily Moisture Fragrance Free Moisturizer. This coupon is for the 10 ounce or larger sizes.
Image by Antonio Campoy on Flickr