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Still More Fun with Potatoes: The Two-Step Team Potato Race

Number of players 8+
Ages: 5+
Space: Playground, gym, and great at the beach
Materials needed: Potatoes, at least two baskets.

This game is similar to the potato races I described earlier this week, except it’s a little more complicated, and I think, a lot more fun. The earlier potato race I described before is an individual competition, and this is more of a team relay.

Make a starting line on the ground, and in front of the starting line mark off two or more rows of spots according to the number of teams competing. The rows should be at least three feet apart, and there should be six to ten spots marked in front. Place a potato, or similar object on each of the spots.

Divide the players into even competing teams who then line up in single file behind the starting line and directly in front of a row of potatoes. Put a basket next to the leader of each line, or draw a circle on the ground or in the sand.

At the starting signal, each leader runs forward and picks up a potato, brings back and puts it in the box, goes for another and repeats the process until they pick up all the potatoes in their row. The player can pick up the potatoes in any order. When the last potato is returned, the player tags the hand of the next player in line and leaves the playing field. The next player starts out after the tag replacing the potatoes one at a time on the marked spots. The next player gathers them in, and so on until each player has had a turn.

If a player places the potato outside the receptacle, or doesn’t replace a potato correctly, they have to return to the starting line and do it correctly.

The team whose last player crosses the starting line first is the winner.