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Types of Formula

If you are getting ready for a new baby and plan to bottle feed, you will want to learn all you can about the various types of formulas. Keep in mind that not all baby formulas are created equal so paying attention to the ingredients is vital. One of the most important aspects of any formula is to choose what offers your newborn the right level and the right type of nutrients.

Typically, the majority of baby and toddler formulas sold within the United States have to meet a relatively strict guideline for nutrition. Keeping watch over these companies to ensure they comply is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Additionally, the guidelines that are being monitored and followed were created by what is formally known as the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, better known among parents as the “Infant Formula Act.”

Even though most formulas are required to meet minimum nutritional requirements, not all are considered good choices. While there are some excellent choices on the market, ones that we would recommend include Similac, Enfamil, and Good Start, along with in-house brands sold by Kroger, Target, and Wal-Mart.

Even within these recommended formulas, differences are noted. To give you an idea, brands such as Similac and Enfamil use a balance of proteins to include casein and whey, making them similar to natural breast milk. However, Good Start, while also a good formula, is made from 100% whey. You will also find that the oil used is different. In this case, Enfamil uses palm olein oil whereas Similac does not.

One of the challenges with formula is that no one is really paying close attention to the ingredients to tell consumers if one brand is better than another brand. Instead, what you will hear pediatricians and other experts saying that the preferred method of feeding is breast milk. Even so, most reputable formulas provide the nutritional value needed by babies.

Although you can usually trust most baby formulas, there are some definite things to avoid. For starters, Guan Wei Yuan, a Chinese formula is being discouraged since nutritional value is not known. Additionally, some parents are going with soy formula, especially if allergies are known but this should be a decision made between you and the baby’s pediatrician. Finally, any formula low in iron should be avoided in that babies need iron for both physical and cognitive growth.

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About Renee Dietz

I have been a successful, published writer for the past 26 years, offering a writing style that is informative, creative, and reader-friendly. During that time, I have been blessed with clients from around the world! Over the years, more than 160 ebooks and well over 18,000 articles have been added to my credit. Writing is my passion, something I take to heart.