“The Settlers of Zarahemla” is a great game for your family to play. This is an adaptation of the game “The Settlers of Catan.” If you have played and enjoyed “The Settlers of Catan,” you will enjoy this game as well. The game is a game of strategy much in the same way as “Risk” except that you are working to build up a city faster than your opponents rather than trying to destroy them.
The game is designed for two to four players. “The Settlers of Zarahemla” does not allow expansion packs, so you could not add on the soldier or water packs with this game. The board set up is a little bit different. The pieces used to design the board are actually in strips. You can arrange them according to the strips, but not piece by individual peace. Another change in “The Settlers of Zarahemla” is that you have the opportunity to help to build the temple.
This game is a lot of fun. It can be very addicting. The average game lasts over an hour. If you are playing with just two players the game may go more quickly. The game involves strategy as you try to gain the cards, which allow you to build roads and cities. The game is fairly easy to play, and since it involves rolling the dice, there is still luck involved in winning. The key is to pick the best spots to set up your opening settlements.
My husband and I have really enjoyed playing this game once the children are asleep. The age suggestion on the box is for twelve years and older. It is not a children’s game simply because of the strategy involved. That said, it is not a difficult game to learn to play, and it is fun way to spend some time together. I hope that you will check it out.