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The Vegetable Game

Don’t be fooled by the title. The Vegetable Game has nothing to do with eating vegetables. Few kids really enjoy eating vegetables. And this is a game that they will not only enjoy but will have them laughing in their seats.

To play this game you need nothing but a group of people, at least five to make the game interesting. There is no real limit to how many people can play. We love to play this game while camping or at family reunions.

Start by having everyone sit in a circle. Then each player decides what type of vegetable that they want to be. Everyone has to choose a different vegetable. Choosing more common vegetables makes the game a lot easier to play. After everyone has chosen their vegetable go around the circle at least twice and have everyone say their vegetable name. This helps everyone remember what vegetables are in the circle.

To play the game one person starts by saying their own vegetable name and then the vegetable name of another person in the circle. For example if I was squash, I would say, “Squash” and then another vegetable name like, “Carrot.” Then carrot would say, “Carrot. Cucumber,” and the game would continue from person to person or vegetable to vegetable.

I know, I can hear you saying what’s so funny about that. But that’s because I haven’t told you how you have to say the vegetable names. Throughout the entire game players are not allowed to show their teeth. That means when a person is speaking they have to keep their lips curled around their teeth. If a person laughs, and believe me you will want to laugh, they can’t show their teeth. If a person shows their teeth they are out. Although this means that they do not get a chance to have their vegetable name called anymore, it does mean that they can laugh freely. Sometimes the game is more fun when you are out because you can just enjoy the hilarious faces that everyone else is pulling.

The point of the game is to get as many people as you can to laugh while you are talking. A good player will make their face and voice sound as funny as possible so that more people are likely to laugh. The last person to laugh wins the game.

Warning: Vegetable faces can be addictive. Be prepared to find your children talking with their vegetable faces at odd times after playing the game.

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About Teresa McEntire

Teresa McEntire grew up in Utah the oldest of four children. She currently lives in Kuna, Idaho, near Boise. She and her husband Gene have been married for almost ten years. She has three children Tyler, age six, Alysta, four, and Kelsey, two. She is a stay-at-home mom who loves to scrapbook, read, and of course write. Spending time with her family, including extended family, is a priority. She is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and currently works with the young women. Teresa has a degree in Elementary Education from Utah State University and taught 6th grade before her son was born. She also ran an own in-home daycare for three years. She currently writes educational materials as well as blogs for Families.com. Although her formal education consisted of a variety of child development classes she has found that nothing teaches you better than the real thing. She is constantly learning as her children grow and enjoys sharing that knowledge with her readers.