Your personal health is one of the most valuable things you possess. Throughout our teens and twenties, it’s pretty normal to take our health for granted. After all, if we’re injured – we bounce back pretty quickly. Losing weight doesn’t seem to be that hard and getting well takes almost no time at all. For the majority of us, the last things we’re thinking about when we’re in our twenties is heart disease, diabetes or arthritis.
In fact, it’s not at all uncommon to decide to lose ten pounds and shed them quickly just by putting forth a little effort. But once we hit our thirties and forties, what was once a snap – is not so much anymore. So whether you are 31, 41 or looking 50 square in the eye – it’s time to take care of your health internally and externally.
Healthy Lifestyle
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is about more than showering regularly and brushing your teeth. It’s about grooming your body through regular exercise and maintaining your commitment to yourself through a healthy diet. It’s about a series of choices that we are confronted with every single day and making good on those choices.
- Workout or sleep another thirty minutes?
- Go for a walk after dinner or hang out on the porch and talk?
- Eat grilled fish and rice or pick up a burger and french fries from a fast food restaurant?
- Take a daily vitamin or skip it
- Drink soda or water
- Drink regular or decaffeinated coffee?
Life is a series of choices and as we get older, the choices we make have a lasting impact on us. If we want to lose weight, we have to skimp on the fast food and take more care planning our meals. If we want to tone up our bodies, we need to get more active. If we want to be healthy, we have to live healthy.
What healthy choices have you made today?
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