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World Animals

Another great DVD from The Baby Einstein Company is “World Animals.” This DVD is another introduction to animals. Unlike the “Neighborhood Animals” DVD, this video teaches your child about some of the animals that live in the jungle, in the ocean, and on the savannah. Hosted by Jane the monkey, “World Animals” is a vivid introduction to animals around the world.

Animals in the Jungle
The jungle animals feature in this video are monkeys, tropical birds, and tigers. Tigers are shown running through the jungle and playing with each other. Beautiful blue macaws fly through the air as long-beaked toucans perch on tree limbs. Monkeys swing through the trees and play. Even the puppet monkey Jane is shown swinging on a vine with her mouth.

Animals in the Ocean
Fish, dolphins, and sea turtles are shown in this section. The drawing of a sea turtle is the turtle you might recognize as the host of the “Baby Neptune” video. Real sea turtles are depicted swimming through the water. When there was a picture of a clown fish, my daughter said, “Nemo!” Dolphins swim playfully on the water as fish surround them. One cute part of this section is at the end. Jane is in a boat with a little fishing pole. Every time she turns to one side, a fish comes up on her other side and spits water at her. This happens a couple of times until finally the fish sees Jane. This startles Jane and she drops the fishing pole. My daughter laughs hysterically at this part every time.

Animals in the Savannah
Savannah animals that are featured here are giraffes, lions, and elephants. Video of the elephants is shown as they play and roll around in the mud to keep cool. The giraffes are shown eating and playing. There are a couple of giraffes that rub their necks together. My nephew likes to think this means that they are hugging. A few lions are shown running with their cubs.

Animals in My World
This section of the video pretty much sums up all of the animals from the jungle, ocean, and savannah. In addition to the animals already mentioned, this part also shows kangaroos, foxes, and birds flying against a red sunset.

The only thing I didn’t like about this DVD is that they only chose three animals from each location. Granted there are other Baby Einstein videos about animals, I still think that they could have covered them better. In the beginning and at the end of the video, they showed animals which they did not introduce through the different sections. I wish they had mentioned those animals because it is hard to answer my nephew when I don’t even know what animals they are.

Save the fact that few animals were covered, “World Animals” is still a fun, informative way for your child to be introduced to some of the animals outside the proximity of your neighborhood. You and your child can also enjoy the music of Beethoven, Smetana, Mendelssohn, Grieg, and Dvorak.

“World Animals” is available for purchase from The Baby Einstein Company, Amazon, Wal-Mart, and other retailers.