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Riding for Single Parent Families

An interesting new occurrence that I might dare to say is an emerging trend is riding through America to raise awareness of the unique needs of Single Parent families as well as raising funds for college scholarships for children of Single Parent families.

In the first instance a single dad, Mukwa Ogitchida, from Minnesota began a quest to bicycle across all 48 continental states in 48 days. Mr. Ogitchida began his amazing journey on June 15, 2006 in order to raise awareness of the special needs of single parent families. His journey ended on August 10th. Mr. Ogitchida made many stops to talk with people in person and discuss what is working or not working in that particular area to address the needs of single parent families. He grew up in a single parent home and became a single parent several years ago after a divorce. Mr. Ogitchida understands what is is like to life in a single parent family. According to an article in Indian Country Today, ”Ogitchida said he recognizes that children of single parents are not always able to participate in extracurricular activities and also may not have the best nutrition. His plan is to organize a Web site that will list all the organizations that can help single parents and their children.” You can learn more about this very interesting person and his mission through his website at 48 For The Kids.

The American Legion and hundreds of American Veterans are holding a five state motorcycle ride to raise scholarship money for children of U.S. military personnel killed on duty since Sept. 11, 2001. According to the event organizer Tom Bock:” An unfortunate consequence of America’s war on terror, many children of our active-duty military personnel are now members of single-parent families. In most cases, this also means their chances to attend college have greatly diminished. Children of military personnel who die on active duty are entitled to receive some money toward a college education, but it is not enough.”

The riders who are veterans will travel 1,500 miles from Indiana to Utah, and will stop at fundraising activities and events along the way to support the American Legacy Scholarship Fund. Hundreds of other veterans will join in at different points along the route. The riders hope to raise $100,000 for the scholarship fund.

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About Valerie Nelson

Valerie is a Families.com blogger, freelance writer and small business owner. Valerie helps non-profit organizations with fundraising through grant development for their programs and projects. Valerie enjoys spending time with her family and currently lives in Michigan.