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Easing the Transition of Going Back to School

The start of a new school year can sneak up on parents and kids. You know it’s coming, but sometimes it seems to arrive before you know it. With so many changes in routine occurring at once, this can create chaos and stress in the home. In order to make the transition less stressful, there are some things you can do.

Start Changing Your Routine

If your kids have gotten in the habit of staying up late, sleeping late, or both, now is a good time to start reinstating a more structured routine. Get the kids used to going to bed a little earlier, start setting an alarm and getting up a bit earlier, and have kids get dressed soon after getting up instead of lounging around in their pajamas. It also helps to have meals on a tighter schedule, if kids have gotten used to munching here and there. These things will help you avoid making so many changes all at once when it’s time for school to start.

Go to Open House

Going to open house, if your school hosts one, is a good way to ease back into things. Your children can see some of their friends, meet new teachers, and explore the school to learn of any new changes. It will help them feel more familiar with their surroundings, and this is especially important if your kids are attending a new school or if they are just starting school. The unknown can be scary, and a sense of familiarity can help relieve some of that tension.

Help Your Kids Look Forward to School

An enthusiastic, positive attitude on your part can help. Remind children of all the good things about starting or returning to school, such as making friends, joining a club or a sports team, and learning exciting new things. You might also slip a little surprise into your child’s drawer a few days before school starts, such as a great new accessory that your child will look forward to wearing on the first day. A cute pair of earrings might be perfect for your daughter while a cool new shirt or a much coveted trading card might work for your son.