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Kid Friendly Websites: White House For Kids

I have never been in the White House. The White House was always one of those places I was fascinated with when I was younger, but somehow every trip I made to Washington it was impossible to visit the White House for some reason. I’ve seen it from the outside, but I’ve never been in to see the rooms and what not. If you have a youngster who loves the White House, or aspires to be the next President then The White House For Kids website may be a good place for them to visit.

The site is set up with tons of different articles on different White House events such as White House holidays, and the Inauguration. There is a White House quiz that kids can take and a Barney matching game for children.

One thing that I was really impressed with on the site were the website’s videos. There is a video tour of the Vice President’s West Wing, the diplomatic reception room, the cabinet room, Roosevelt room, and the press room. All of the tours are given by White House style celebrities like Laura Bush, Lynne Cheney, Karl Rove and Scott McClellan.

In addition to the video tours there are also tons of videos starring the President’s dog, Barney, and videos of White House events kids may be interested in, such as when the San Antonio Spurs came to the White House.

For a child who is very interested in the White House and its happenings then this is a fabulous place for them to go. I know as a young child I would have loved having access to a website like this one. The site is geared toward children so everything is appropriate for children of all ages and the games and activities will keep your child entertained while teaching them a little bit about how our country is run.