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10 Things to Consider When Choosing a Diet

1. Deprivation is not for the long term. Sure, you may be able to handle Cabbage Soup for a week but will that get you to your ultimate goal? Be reasonable and only demand of yourself what you know you can give. Depriving yourself will only make you rebound with chocolate cake, doughnuts and French fries and just gain back everything you lost on that deprivation diet.

2. Take in enough calories to survive. Starving yourself on 300 calories a day will eventually cause you to lose weight, but it won’t be fat you’ll lose. Your body will slip into self-preservation mode and starting consuming its own protein to survive. You’ll lose muscle and have an even greater fat to muscle ratio when it is all said and done. Never go below 1200 calories per day.

3. Fad diets are not for long term health.

4. Choose a diet that only requires a number of meals per day that you can reasonably eat. If it demands you eat 5 times a day and you just can’t imagine how to fit that into your schedule, then it just isn’t right for you.

5. Choose a plan that works with your lifestyle. If you eat out a lot, choose a nutrition plan that allows you to continue doing that. If you travel a lot, steamed rice and vegetables with grilled chicken might not work for you.

6. Variety is the spice of life. Eating the same thing meal after meal and day after day will soon make you crazy. Find a diet plan that allows for variety.

7. Find a program that is friendly to your budget. I’d love to have Zone meals delivered to my door every week so that all I need to do at mealtime is pull a gourmet dinner out of my refrigerator, but that just isn’t an option on my budget.

8. Get the nutrients you need. No matter what diet plan you may choose, be sure to always take a multivitamin and mineral supplement.

9. Get help. Find a buddy who will do the same program or start a program that provides support, whether it is by phone, email or in person, we all need some support when trying to change our bodies and our lives.

10. Choose a lifestyle over a diet. Whatever you choose, be sure that it is something you can reasonably continue for the rest of your life. A fad diet may work for a week but you can’t continue it indefinitely.

Whatever you choose, GOOD LUCK!