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Searching for Bugs

A few weeks ago I wrote a series of articles over the existence of God. In this article (and hopefully some future articles) I am going to expand on the series I wrote over the existence of God by sharing ways you can show your children that God exists. There are many ways to share the existence of God to even young children, and hopefully by teaching them when they are young, they will develop an even stronger faith in God.

I do not have any children yet, but I still know that one thing which intrigues most children are the creepy, crawly critters I do not like: bugs. Before I go more in depth about bugs, let me give you a little background on what prompted this article in the first place. One of the graduate courses I am taking is focused on helping science teachers know how to teach science better. Earlier this week we had a guest speaker come talk to us about bugs. The speaker never attended college, yet he had a great depth of knowledge about bugs because as a farmer, he had been observing bugs his whole life.

I was thoroughly amazed by some of the things he spoke about. I have no idea if the man believes in God or not; however, I know that he sees design in the creatures he knows so much about. As he described the different bugs he has experienced in his life, he used phrases like “all bugs are designed for a purpose” and “even bugs we consider pests were designed for a purpose.” I wish I had numbered the times that he used the word “design.”

I will get back to the main point of the article now. Show your children evidence for the existence of God by letting them observe the thousands of bugs crawling around or flying through the air. Go to the park and ask your children about what they see. How many different bugs do you see? What are the bugs doing? Why do you think the bugs are so different? Why do you think there are so many different kinds of bugs? Who put the bugs here on earth? Use God’s creation to show the design in the earth. Do some research about different unique bugs in your area, and show them the beauty of God’s design through the uniqueness of the creatures on earth.

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