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Home and Family: The Aftermath of Katrina

It’s been a year since Katrina pounded the Gulf Coast and left a wake of destruction. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to live through that storm and to lose everything in moments. Some people even lost people they love. One of the saddest things for me is the fact that as of reports this spring, over 800 people are still missing.

I think not knowing, not having closure, may be worse than knowing your loved one is gone. The whole situation is devastating and the area is still devastated. It hurts me to see such chaos even a year later.

While some people have moved on and found new homes, others still hope to return to the place they think of as home. As money continues to pour into the area, I think those in charge need to provide an accounting. I have to give credit to those who have worked tirelessly, to people and companies who donate generously, and to the spirit of the people who keep working to restore what was.

It just seems like there should be more progress at this point and that people who suffered so much should finally be allowed to achieve some sense of normalcy. I hope and pray that they will have their lives and homes restored soon and that we won’t be here at this time next year still wondering what’s going on.

There is still so much to be done and help is still needed. If you are able, please consider donating time or money. Helping people get their lives back is one of the most worthy causes I can think of, and it feels good to know that we can help, even if it is only in some small way.

*If you’d like to learn more about ways to help, please check out these resources:

USA Freedom Corps

Salvation Army USA

Hope Force (hope through compassionate action)