Service to others is one of my favorite assets. Parents and children can work together to serve others in the community. This helps to meet the needs of other people and reinforces the idea to children that they are not the center of the universe. Other people have needs that they can help to meet. When children see their parents involved in some type of activity outside of the house or their own family, they are more likely to be involved themselves.
Parents with babies and toddlers may not be able to include these young children in their service projects. Often times a babysitter will be needed for projects such as helping to build a home or mentoring a teen. Many volunteer opportunities are available that can be incorporated into daily lives such as picking up a few extra cans of food at the grocery store to donate to the local food pantry. If you do decide to take a toddler with you during a service project, allow extra time for his or her little legs to keep up with you.
Preschoolers can do simple projects like making a holiday card to send to a soldier serving overseas. He or she can call Grandma when she is not feeling well to help cheer her up.
Elementary age students often experience volunteerism in the classroom with mitten or sweater drives for other school age children in less fortunate circumstances. Families could volunteer together at the local homeless shelter, tutoring younger children, cooking meals together for an ill relative, or baking cookies for the new neighbors.
Teens seem to become more socially conscious at around age 14. Many teens have a deep desire to help others and utilize their talents to help make the world a better place to live. There are many opportunities for teens to volunteer in the community. Your region may have a local volunteer coordinating council that is a clearinghouse for volunteer opportunities, and helps match volunteers with available and applicable organizations. Call your county or city offices for more information.
Single parent families have limited time, but can still find unique opportunities to volunteer together.