“Three Against Hitler” is the true story of three LDS teenagers and what they did to fight against Hitler’s regime. The book is written by Rudi Wobbe and Jerry Borrowman. Rudi Wobbe is one of the three teenagers that fought against Hitler while living in Germany. The book is based on his account and experiences. Jerry Borrowman helped Wobbe to write his story and experiences.
The book chronicles what life was like for Rudi growing up as a member of the church in Germany in the 1930’s. It introduces us to his friends Helmuth Heubener and Karl-Heinz Schnibbe. Helmuth was a young man who followed politics and who had a very strong sense of what was right and wrong. The young men were drawn together because of their strong belief in right and justice.
As we read we learn of Rudi’s resistance to join the Hitler Youth. We also learn of his background and education and his church attendance. His friend Helmuth began to write handbills about the injustices of the Nazi party to German citizens. Rudi and Karl-Heinz helped to distribute these handbills to other people. Eventually the three of them were arrested. The book describes the interrogation process and the trial. You later read Rudi’s story of surviving prison and concentration camps.
Even if you are not LDS you will still enjoy this story of courage in a time of fear. This is a truly inspiring story of three young men who were brave enough to do what they felt was right during a time of great darkness. It shows the importance of standing for your beliefs even when the world around you is crumbling. I hope that you will take the time to read this story and to remember the sacrifice that these young men, as well as hundreds of others chose to make at a critical time.