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Does the Spirit of God Still Move Today?

The answer to whether or not the Spirit of God moves today depends who you ask. There are some people who believe that the work of the Holy Spirit ended with the passing of the apostles based on 1 Corinthians 13:9-10 which says, “For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.” Others believe that the Holy Spirit is present today and the scripture I’ve just mentioned refers to the second coming of Jesus (“that which is perfect”) as promised.

I believe the Holy Spirit is with us today. The evidence I have is my changed life that I know wouldn’t be possible without the Lord ministering to my spirit. When Jesus tells us in the Bible of the Helper that was to come (which is the Holy Spirit), I believe it’s He that changes people’s lives today. I’m not just talking about divine physical healing, prophesy or speaking in tongues; I’m talking about touching the heart of someone who’s wounded emotionally and giving them a revelation of a hope and a new day. I’m talking about a perfect peace that passes all understanding given to a grief stricken mother, or an unspeakable joy to someone who’s battled depression. I’m talking about big time answers to prayer when there didn’t seem to be any other way—but God made a way!

Coincidence or God? If it’s only coincidence that’s happening by faith in prayer, then I’m still going to continue asking and thanking God for meeting our needs through “coincidence”.

Perhaps another theory by skeptics could be that some are searching for the Spirit and may be finding something else. While I believe this is often true—more so than it should ever be, when the Lord touches a life in one way or another, there is no denying it. People shouldn’t be following signs and wonders; they should be following Jesus Christ. Though Him, we are given what we need as we ask in faith.

It’s easy to judge someone who claims to have been touched by Lord. God’s not impressed with phonies and manipulators. He knows our hearts and motives. The experiences that many of us have with the Lord are for His glory and should never be for our own.