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Whatever Do I Wear – For Men

Now, on to the men. What should a man keep in mind when dressing for an interview? Just like with women, staying traditional and low-key is your best bet. You can’t go wrong with a dress shirt, tie and nice slacks. You don’t have to wear a suit jacket, but adding one definitely won’t hurt anything.

Keep the following things in mind when you are dressing for an interview. Also, listen to your wife, girlfriend, mother or sister. Women will often be able to pinpoint a problem with your outfit that you might not notice. What can I say? It’s a gift!

Here’s the list for men:

The Shirt – your shirt MUST have a collar. Even if it is a dressy sweater, you still need to wear a collard shirt underneath it. Collars = professionalism in the business world.

Belt and Shoes – your belt and shoes should always be the same color. This is pretty important

– if you are wearing dark pants, wear dark socks. You’d be amazed at how many guys I see with black pants, black shoes and white socks!

Facial Hair – Needs to be traditional as possible. Be sure that your facial hair is neatly trimmed and try to avoid the Grizzly Adams look. The interviewer wants to see your face.

Five O’clock Shadows
– Be sure to avoid stubble. If you are someone who’s facial hair grows quickly, you may have to shave right before the interview.

Shoes – Sorry guys, but you can’t wear sandals. Also, make sure that the shoes you do wear are polished. Some interviewers use your shoes to gauge whether or not you are contentious and pay attention to details.

Hair – Hair should be neatly combed and in a traditional style. If you have a less traditional style, do your best to make it look traditional or consider cutting it while you are job seeking. You can always grow it out later! Right now your priority is getting a job.