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Bible Stories: The New Testament

I recently completed the Bible Stories to Share with Your Children Series over the book of Genesis. I thought it would be a good idea to switch gears a little bit, and to go through a New Testament book, specifically the book of Matthew, next. Starting with the book of Matthew will help your children have a good understanding of the life of Jesus.

A good way to begin the study of the book of Matthew is to actually talk about Matthew and his role in the life of Christ. Teach your children that Matthew was a tax collector, and that he is also called Levi in the Bible. Tell them that Matthew became a follower of Christ. I did not mention the idea of teaching your children about the author of the book when I began writing about the stories in Genesis, but I think it is a great way to start a new study with your children. Teach your children that God wrote the Bible, but that men like Matthew, chosen by God, were guided by God to write the Bible.

In my introduction blog before I began writing on the stories of Genesis, I wrote about how people tend to look at the Bible as a book of good stories, but that the stories probably are not true. While more people believe that the New Testament is true compared with the Old Testament, there are still many, many people who do not believe it is true. I think that teaching your children that the Bible is true and that it is the Word of God is one of the most important concepts you can ever teach your children. So many people in the world will tell them that the Bible is not true, and that it is foolish to believe it is true. Help your children develop a faith in the Lord and consistently remind your children that the Bible is perfect, and that the things in the Bible are true.