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Are Boys And Girls Different? Part Two

Part two continues with the ways boys are different from girls, according to Dr. James Dobson.

Boys Are Different In How They Play With Toys

Not only are boys and girls interested in different types of toys, but they play with the same toys differently. When a boy plays with a “girl” toy, like a dollhouse, you just might find them throwing the baby off the roof of the house. They will also take a toy and quickly turn it into a weapon of war.

Boys Are Different Because They Do Crazy Things

Dobson points out that one of the challenges of raising a boy is just keeping him alive. He gives examples of some of the crazy things boys have been known to do including:

Stuffing beans up their nose.

Hiding under the bed while his family frantically searches for their “missing” child.

Throwing rocks, playing with fire and shattering glass.

Boys Are Different Even When They Grow Up

Again, you can blame testosterone for these differences that make big boys strive for power, status, fame and wealth.

The way to rise to the challenge, according to Dobson, is by applying the following seven principles:

Principle 1:

Instead of trying to eliminate a boy’s naturally aggressive and excitable behavior, strive to shape and civilize it.

Principle 2:

Deal decisively with bullies, reduce exposure to violence in the media and watch for signs of depression.

Principle 3:

Remain emotionally close to your boy.

Principle 4:

Help your sons develop a healthy gender identity by making sure he receives appropriate affection and attention from his father or trusty male role model.

Principle 5:

Spend both quantity and quality time with your sons.

Principle 6:

To counteract the effects of male-bashing, strive to affirm your son’s masculinity and his value as a person.

Principle 7:

When raising son’s, make his relationship with God first priority.

I’ll let you be the judge on whether you agree with Dr. Dobson or not. It’s definitely something to think about though.