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Family Home Evening: Harmony at Home

Family home evening is a great time to gather as a family. It is also a good opportunity to address issues that may be facing your family. You can use family home evening as a time to build family unity, and to make family rules that everyone can live with. This can be a great time to help improve the harmony in your home.

This week the lesson is going to focus on family harmony. As a family you can discuss the different things you can do as a family to help everyone feel loved and accepted. If there are certain behaviors such as teasing that have been happening in your family, now is a great time to address those issues in a positive manner. You should open the lesson by discussing the importance of each member of your family. You may want to list a unique characteristic that each family member brings to the family. You may also want to talk about how the family needs to work together in order to bring peace into the home. You may want use this “Together Forever” visual from “The Friend.” It shows a family going to the temple together, and lists things that the family needs to do on a regular basis. You should discuss the importance of family prayer and scripture study.

After this you may want to discuss attributes that make your family unique or special. You may also want to discuss the values that you and your family feel are the most important. You may consider forming a mission statement, a family motto, or a coat of arms. Here is an example of how to make a coat of arms. At this time you may want to discuss rules or ideas on how to live up to the mission statement or family motto. You should discuss the importance of respecting each other and the family rules. If you have Primary age children you may want to share “Ben Obeys” which is in this month’s “The Friend.” If you have teenagers you may want to use excerpts from “Fitting Into Your Family.”

You should end the lesson with a fun family activity. You will want to have a positive activity to wrap up the experience. You may want to start a new tradition so that this night will be more memorable. You may want to play games or go for a walk, or just spend time talking as a family.

Before you present the lesson you should read “Harmony in the Home,” “The Importance of Family,” and “What Matter Most Last the Longest.” If you are teaching primarily adults these are great talks to base a discussion on. You can also talk about how harmony can affect relationships with roommates and distant family members.

You should open and close with a song. “Families Can Be Together Forever” on p 300 in Hymns or 188 in the Children’s Songbook is a great choice. “Love Is Spoken Here” p 190 in the Children’s Songbook is another option. Don’t forget refreshments.