You can use any size Styrofoam balls for this project, and if you mix and match different sizes, that’s even better. You will also need some orange and green construction paper, black if you want to cut out eyes and stuff, scissors, glue, and some straight pins.
You will need an adult to help you get started. Grown ups: hold the Styrofoam ball securely over a padded surface. Poke a hole through the center of the ball with an ice pick (a screwdriver will work too).
While the grown ups are getting things ready, begin cutting narrow strips of orange paper. Push a strip of paper up through the hole in the center of the ball, and wrap it around the ball until both ends touch. Glue the ends together and use a straight pin to hold it in place until it dries.
*A quicker easier option is to tape the ends together. You’ll also have less cleanup. When you’ve covered the entire pumpkin, then add glue at the bottom to make the strips more secure.
Continue adding strips until the entire ball is covered. Overlapping is good. When the ball looks like a pumpkin (or when you can’t get any more strips through the hole), cut a small strip of green construction paper, roll it up, and glue or tape it. Put a dot of glue in the hole on top of the pumpkin and put the rolled piece in to make a stem. Next, cut leaves from the green paper and glue them to the stem.
If you want to make a face, you can use markers or cut shapes from black construction paper and glue them on. Make an entire collection of these fun pumpkins.
*You can substitute raffia, ribbon, or strips of fabric for paper to make more charming pumpkin decorations.