Hopefully you have followed the advice I’ve given in the previous two articles and by now all the children’s clothes are sorted and organized again. Hopefully you were able to find empty used boxes for storage, and shoe boxes and baskets around the home to store other items in. So now all the clothing is organized. Quite a task! What’s next?
Toys. Children seem to have an over abundance of them. They are everywhere. With five kids in our house we have more toys than we know what to do with. If you are lucky like me, most of your children’s toys are kept in a separate room. For us, it is the basement. However after umpteen years of apartment living and living in states that don’t HAVE basements – there had to be alternatives.
So organizing the toys that are in the child’s room became a must. In addition, the toys need to be in storage that is accessible to the child, practical and easy to use!
Many people purchase a toy box for storing items, and this can work, however keep in mind, finding the toys in a great big box can be hard for a young child. It’s also expensive to purchase a toy box, and it is often the home to many the crumb and dirt & dust that collects in the bottom! Yuck!
If you already have a toy box, great. It can be used. Perhaps consider only storing large, seldom used toys inside or throw all stuffed animals inside. A toy box could also be a great dress up box for your daughter.
You can spend money on some very inexpensive storage for the closet to help store toys, however this article is about doing it frugally. My method always requires we use what we have to store things.
Check out old storage methods you might have tried. Have you purchased some of those interesting gadgets to store with? Perhaps you might already own a hanging shoe box shelf (usually fabric or plastic). If not, you can construct your own by finding empty boxes around the house, turning them on their side, and threading string through all four sides of the boxes. Tie them together and hang them from the closet hang rod. This works well and typically your boxes will be larger than the store bought kind enabling much more storage room. If you don’t have a ton of boxes lying around, tape pieces of cardboard together to form a box. This will work as well.
You can then store clear plastic shoe box storage containers in them or use baskets or smaller boxes from around the house that can hold pieces to a game, Legos, Fast Food Toys, Books, etc.
See the frugal living blog for the next installment of this series of articles on frugally organizing a child’s space without buying a thing.
Related Articles:
Save Time and Money: Frugal Storage Tips For Your Child
Organize a Child’s Room Without Buying A Thing
Organize a Child’s Room Without Buying A Thing (2)
Organize a Child’s Room Without Buying A Thing (3)
Organize a Child’s Room Without Buying a Thing (4)
Organize A Child’s Room Without Buying A Thing (5)