A great topic for family home evening is personal scripture study. This topic can be adapted or expanded to include family scripture study as well. You can easily reach several different age groups with this topic.
You can open your discussion by sharing the story of the first vision with your family. You may want to share Joseph Smith History 1:11-12. And then discussed what happened because Joseph Smith decided to follow the counsel he learned while reading the scriptures. You should then discuss why is it important for everyone to study the scriptures, both individually and as a family. You can discuss the different ways that people study. If you read the scriptures straight through you may want to use this sharing time activity which includes a Book of Mormon time line. In order to show how to study to by topic you may want to use this sharing time activity about the words of Christ. You can also discuss the importance of studying together as a family.
If you have teenagers you may want to use these idea lists “Scripture Study Suggestions” and “Scripture Study Tips.” You can also use this Mormonad. You may want to expand the lesson to have your older children share some of their favorite scripture stories, and experiences studying the scriptures.
You can easily adapt this lesson if you are teaching primarily adults. You can supplement the lesson with “How Rare a Possession—The Scriptures” by President Spencer W Kimball and “A Discussion on Scripture Study” with Henry B Eyring. You can open the discussion so that the adults can share their favorite methods and experiences while studying the scriptures.
You can sing “As I Search the Holy Scriptures” p 277 and “How Firm a Foundation” p 85 from “Hymns.” You may want to sing “Search, Ponder and Pray” p 109 and “Seek the Lord Early” p 108 from the “Children’s Songbook.” Don’t forget to have refreshments!
Prophetic Prophecies of Family Home Evening
Jumpstarting Family Home Evening