I just turned on my television and caught the Oprah Winfrey Show. Today she’s profiling moms from around the world.
Here are some interesting things I learned.
Did you know that in Norway moms are afforded one year of maternity leave? And moms and dads are entitled to 10 days per year (each) that they can take off when their children are ill. Also, they are given free medical care for their children until they reach the age of 7, and are given a $100 stipend per month when they decide to have a childcare worker to come into their home to watch their children. Finally, Norwegian mothers do have the flexibility to take their children to work with them for a few days if their childcare worker is ill.
China has 1.3 billion people. Having more than 1 child is against the law. Mothers who have more than one child must pay a penalty of $20,000 per child.
In Sudan, many mothers live in refugee camps, fleeing the dark war genocide. Because more than 60% of men have been killed in Sudan, the mothers must assume the role of father, mother, and caretaker for their children. Every day, these mothers must fight to stay alive. They must wait in line for inadequate amounts of water and often live in makeshift homes, surviving on one meal a day. She cannot feed her family a roast beef dinner; she must feed them grain and perhaps some beans…if she’s lucky.
In India, more than half of women are married before the age of 15. Indian mothers typically have 3 or fewer children and often assume the responsibility as the primary caretaker of the family.
In Thailand, 65% of the women work for a salary of about $6,000 per year. Many Thai women work six days per week. Husbands are not likely to “help” at all around the house. Because women are working so hard, and their husbands are not willing to aid in the care of their children, children sometimes must be sent to live with older, non-working relatives.
There are mothers in Mexico and other countries who must leave their country in order to financially support their children. Be lucky you are a woman born in this country.
In Uganda, the majority of children are orphaned by HIV/AIDS.
Motherhood and parenthood are roles filled around the world. I hope this information has been helpful and thought provoking.
“It is on mother’s backs that great nations are built” – Oprah Winfrey