It is important to realize that at some point that you may have a calling that you really just do not feel like doing. Or you may have a point in your calling when you do not want to do it anymore. This is a part of human nature. There are callings which some people dread (like nursery) while others simply love serving there. It is important to realize that callings can help us learn and to grow.
One example from my own life is when I was called to serve on the Enrichment committee a few years ago. I really did not want to accept the calling because Enrichment night and I never gelled. I had this impression of going to night after night of crafts and other homemaking related lessons. I am simply not a crafty person. In fact I do not like crafts to the point that I do not have them in my house. (However, I do not see anything wrong with people who do like crafts, and who decorate that way.)
I reluctantly accepted the calling. I went on to tell my husband that I had a made-up calling. I went to the meetings, and began planning the activities. I also helped to set up every month, and clean up. It did not take long before I realized that this calling was just what I needed at that time. I am a shy person, and we were in a new ward. The calling forced me to step outside of myself, and helped me to make friends. It also changed my perception of Enrichment night because I saw the planning involved. The committee I was on worked very hard to offer a wide variety of useful and interesting classes and crafts.
This experience, along with others, has taught me that callings truly are a blessing. Even if you do not understand why you have been called to a certain position, you can learn and grow from serving there. It is important to realize that it is okay to decline a calling if you need to. There may a situation, which would make it very difficult for you to accept a certain calling, and the bishop might not be aware of it. If you discuss your concerns with your bishop you will be able to resolve the concerns, or they may withdraw the call. If you can serve, but just do not want to, you should really pray about it. The Lord will help you to serve those around you, and you may end up gaining a lot more than you realize.
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