I can see O.J. now, sitting at home, his head in his hands. “Why?” he asks, a look of pain on his face. “Why did Tristi Pinkston have to write such a scathing blog about my book? Now it’s been cancelled!”
Okay, I’m willing to admit that my blog had nothing to do with it. I’d sure like to take credit for the cancellation, though. I got curious about it and found some details in my local newspaper, the Daily Herald. The following facts come from the headline story of their Tuesday, November 21st edition.
Apparently media mogul Rupert Murdoch had a change of heart when he saw the civil war that was taking place in his television empire and caught wind of the criticism he was getting from other sources. “This was an ill-considered project,” he said. “We are sorry for any pain that this has caused the families.”
Nice apology, sort of, but I have to wonder why he didn’t think of that before? It was hardly a shocker.
Apparently preorders on Amazon.com pushed the book into the top twenty bestsellers. That’s vastly unfortunate. I guess we’re still slowing down on the freeway, trying to catch a glimpse of the wreckage before moving on.
When the televisions stations found out about the show that would be aired, they had problems with it. From the article: “Broadcasting insiders said Monday, Fox television affiliates began balking almost immediately. Despite a network campaign to bring them into line, including sending affiliates a list of talking points supporting the show, by Monday 13 stations that announced they would refuse to run ‘If I Did It.’
“’I wasn’t surprised they canceled it,’ an official at another network said Monday. ‘Once affiliates start canceling, it’s like unraveling a thread. It just keeps going.’”
Jonathan Polack, the attorney for the Goldman family, thanked the American public for stepping up and voicing their disgust.
I can’t say how glad I am that this came to an end. It never should have gone this far, and it never should have gotten the press that it did. It’s beyond me how anyone would want to increase O.J.’s celebrity any further than it has already been inflated. The man got away with murder, and the idea that he should make money off it is revolting.
And now, back to books, books that are positive and that actually have been published.
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