I bet that title got your interest and it’s an honest question. Is your dog fat? Because if your dog is fat, chances are you are not getting enough exercise in your life. This is a great barometer for whether you are getting out for a daily walk with the dog or running with the dog or just letting the tail wag the dog for you.
Regular Exercise
Regular exercise is a vital component to your health. We’ve talked about all the different things exercise can do for you from helping you lose weight to reducing stress to improving your overall health. These are three things that should headline any wish list you have for the coming holiday season with the numerous colds and flus just waiting to attack you when your resistance is down because the weather is getting colder, life is getting stressful and you have a dozen things to get done before lunch.
If your dog is fat, you aren’t getting enough exercise – Unknown.
So if your dog is fat, then you want to take a good long look at all the things you do from day to day and see if you can shoehorn in more exercise into your daily activities. You may think who has time for a walk with all the Christmas shopping, decorating, party activities and more that are on your calendar.
However, trust me – if you can take twenty minutes in the morning to take the dog for a walk and to stretch your own legs, you’ll feel better about the rest of your day. If you can take twenty minutes at lunchtime to walk the dog, you’ll get a greater sense of a break in the day and some mental relief to go with it. What about a stroll after dinner with the kids, the spouse and the dog? It makes for good quality time and adds steps to your day as well.
Is Your Dog Fat?
Do you have a better reason why they are? Do you have a strong reason why you are not walking your dog more often? Can you think of ways you can let your dog’s potential weight loss be your inspiration? I bet you can.
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