You’ll find that the activity isn’t nearly as important as the time spent together. Simply making time to do something, nearly anything, together as a family will make everyone feel closer. Hear are some ideas that don’t require tons of planning or expense, they’re just simple things that any family can do almost any time.
Cook or Bake Together
Making a meal together can be an enjoyable experience. Even little ones can help with simple tasks, such as handing you utensils or packages. They just want to be included. This is also a great time to start teaching bigger kids to cook.
Baking a batch of cookies together is a good form of family fun. The anticipation grows as the aroma of cookies wafts through the air. When everyone gets to enjoy a warm cookie right from the oven, they’ll also enjoy the sense of accomplishment from having helped make the cookies.
Work on Craft Projects Together
I hear people say they aren’t artistic or “can’t” do crafts. Yes, You Can! They don’t have to be perfect and no one expects a craft project to be the next famous masterpiece. Making crafts is fun and it’s a great way to spend time together doing something creative. You might even be surprised by how cute your projects turn out.
Decorate Together
Let the kids get more involved in the holiday decorating. Some families try too hard to make everything picture perfect. No matter how grand your decorating schemes are, there is room for children’s touches, and they will feel more a part of things if you involve them. If you have special items that don’t quite work with crayon drawings, that’s fine. Set aside a special area (or more than one) for children’s craft projects, school projects, and artwork to be displayed, and then work on those areas together.
*For more ideas, please visit Kids’ Crafts.