The Word of Wisdom is a blessing to those that choose to live it. The counsel can bring you peace, and help you live a healthy life. It also encourages a focus on the importance of being concerned with your health, and taking care of your body. It counsels us the importance of taking care of your body, and appreciating the blessings that it gives you.
In addition to that it is a great missionary tool. It is through the simple observance of your choices regarding alcohol, smoking, coffee and tea that many people realize that you are Mormon. The quiet statement that you make each time you choose to abstain from these items does make an impression on those around you. It may make those observing pay attention to your other behaviors and activities. It may lead to a discussion with them on why you do these things.
Several times once someone has realized that I am LDS the conversation quickly turns to the topic of the Word of Wisdom. Often the people admire the fact that we abstain from these habits. They ask what the benefits are or discuss the desire to give up certain habits themselves. It is an easy topic to discuss in a positive manner. As you discuss the Word of Wisdom with nonmembers in a positive way, it allows them to realize that you are willing to answer any questions in a positive way in the future.
It is important to realize that as members of the church, we are always being observed and watched. The way you carry yourself in your daily life can influence people in the future. Many people who join the church have had positive experiences when dealing with members. The Word of Wisdom is often a signal to those interested that you may be able to answer questions about the church. Keeping the Word of Wisdom is an easy way to reach out and share the gospel with those around you.
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