As usual, things are hopping around here. We manage to stay pretty busy. This weekend was no exception and Super Mom over here (not!) got behind on stuff due to running errands and Christmas shopping.
So, Sunday evening as I dried my youngest daughter’s hair after her bath, I was trying to figure out how to get her into bed on time. She likes to sleep with socks on but the socks I washed were still in the dryer. Nothing like doing clothes at the last minute, huh?
I spent a few minutes trying to match up some odd socks but then gave her a pair that was a bit stretched out. I told her she could just wear them to bed and I’d have a good pair laid out for her when she got up. I told her she could throw the “stretchy” ones away when she took them off.
We overslept the next morning and as we scurried to get ready, I realized my little one needed a lunch. Last minute stuff again. As I was making it, I reminded her to change socks. She said okay, and I saw her begin to do so. She then tied her shoes, grabbed her jacket, and we finally made it out the door. We still missed the bus. I drove the kids to school then finally began my own busy day.
When I picked the girls up at the bus stop, my youngest informed me that her teacher had given her socks to wear. What in the world? Apparently, she had only changed one of her socks as we rushed to get ready and I didn’t catch it. The other stretchy one kept sliding into her shoe. So, the teacher gave her one of the emergency pairs she keeps handy to wear for the day.
Thankfully, my little girl didn’t seem the least bit embarrassed or put out by this, but I can only imagine what the teacher thinks. I want to tell her, “My children have clean, matching socks! I promise!”
Do things get a little crazy at your house too? Have you had similar mishaps?
Another story you may find amusing: