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Vocabulary Word of The Day: Extreme (ex-treem)

Extreme means “going well beyond ordinary or average” (superkids.com). An example of an extreme action would be to throw away a dozen of eggs when only one is cracked.

It has been said that homeschooling is an extreme form of education. Homeschooling parents are called extreme or radical. As parents, we have overstepped our bounds and taken the role of teachers onto ourselves. In taking our children’s education into our own hands, we have gone too far. But I have to ask, how can accepting responsibility for our own children be too extreme?

Personally, I think that putting a child in daycare in order to take a job that pays $250.00 a week to be extreme. Especially when the daycare costs $150.00 a week and you spend another $50.00, a week in work related expenses. Surely, there are many less extreme ways to make an extra $50.00 a week. (I am not saying moms should not work, but unless you are getting a real kick out of the job, you should do the math.)

Another thing I think is extreme is medicating a child to make someone else’s life easier. My child had two teachers that insisted she needed Ritalin. They described behaviors that were normal for children her age. Kindergarteners are fidgety. First graders squirm in their chairs. “Give her Ritalin to make her sit still”, they said. “Never”,I thought. In response to that insistantly repeated request, I did something a little less extreme. I made the decision to homeschool her. I am glad to say that she never took a single dose of Ritalin and is still a little fidgety, but certainly not ADHD.

Yes, homeschoolers can be called many things. Dedicated, adventurous, and independent come to mind. But extreme… I don’t think so.

(This essay is an exercise in vocabulary. I encourage you to pick a new word each day and have your children to write an essay. Choose the number of required words according to grade level, age, or ability. Perhaps you will want to do this exercise yourself)