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Accessorize For Less – Belts

Belts can get expensive, for children or for adults. And finding the size you need can also be hard. Often I find myself staring at a rack of belts, loving one and finding it doesn’t come in the size I need.

Another problem I have faced is my daughter’s small size. She is very tiny. Her waist is extremely small and finding a belt that will fit her has been very interesting and challenging to say the least.

Either she there is too much belt left over at the end and we have to stick it through multiple belt loops, usually having some extra sticking out with nowhere to go with it. Or we find a belt in the toddler section that is just not quite big enough for her.

So we have had to do what any frugal mom (or family) would do. We use other resources. We have modified items and turned them into belts. Here are some unique ideas, that maybe you have tried, and maybe you have not. But regardless they work and they are an inexpensive fix to any belt problem.


You can use a piece of rope to tie around the waste. Look for soft and supple rope, because it is easier to tie around the waste. You can tie it in a knot, or you can tie it in a bow, (throw it over your shoulder, okay, enough with the kids songs) or whatever you find easiest and most attractive.


Probably one of my favorite methods of keeping my daughter’s pants up, as well as accessorizing my own pants (very fashionable), is to use a scarf. They come in so many different colors and styles, patterns and even lengths. You can just weave the scarf through the belt loops and tie in the front. If the scarf is long enough you can leave some hanging down, or tie it in a fashionable bow. Don’t forget a winter scarf will work too, plus they are often longer!

Leather Lace

You can find leather lace, either at the craft store, or for my daughter all I needed was a piece from an old pair of boots. Again, weave through the belt loops and tie or knot in the front. You can even purchase decorative charms to dangle off the ends. It looks great and is extremely adorable.

Look for more ideas on accessorizing for less in the frugal living blog or check out one of the related articles.

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