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Lightning: Protecting Your House and Property


Lightning can strike anywhere, and in some cases without much warning. While homeowner and renter policies protect against lightning, some sensitive property such as electronic and computer equipment may not be covered the way an insured would hope. I once had to replace an electronic control for a relatively new furnace due to the electrical surge caused by a lightning strike.

When it comes to lightning it’s up to each homeowner to decide how to manage this risk. Some of the most costly damage caused to personal property may not be covered, and there are ways to reduce the risk lighting strikes may cause to homeowners. Preventative measures to reduce the risk of personal property loss is to consider some of the electrical protection devices that can be used on the interior and exterior of the house.

In the case of my furnace, there was a main surge protector I could purchase and have installed between the power lines and my furnace. The device is designed to prevent the circuit board I had to spend $485.00 replacing from being fried due to power surge and lightning strike. I still have no idea why these are not built into the purchase of a new furnace or why I had to replace the circuit board before I found out the surge protector was an option I might want. Either way, there was a way for me to reduce this risk since it isn’t an insured loss on my homeowner policy.

Some of the protective equipment homeowners might want to install on the exterior of their home may require a qualified contractor who can work in compliance with local building codes and ordinances. Most interior protection devices, such as surge protectors, are simple and easy to install. Quality surge protectors are a practical way to mitigate damage to most of the electronics or electrical equipment in the average home.

There are three main ways to protect your home from lightning power surges and reduce the risk of damage to personal property:

  • 1. Surge Protective Devices: Protect electronics and electrical appliances from nearly all electrical surges or direct strikes. Good electrical grounding is the most important step homeowners can take. Surge protection devices should be installed at point-of-use to reduce the risk of damage to electrical equipment.
  • 2. Lightning Protection Systems: These provide a direct path for lightning to follow to the ground, instead of through the structure and wiring. Qualified contractors are required for the installation of a lightning protection system. Lightning protection systems won’t protect a house from electrical damage or fire when lightning enters through a telephone, cable or electric line.
  • 3. Whole House Surge Protection Systems: Are systems installed directly on the electric meter or the electrical panel inside your house. They help protect appliances and electronic equipment in the house by protecting all the circuits from a surge. The local electric company should have information about Whole House Surge Protectors or contact a qualified electrician who can install this device.

Photo credit for this blog entry: sxc (no use restrictions for this photo)

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