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Things My Husband has Taught Me

Do you learn a lot from your spouse? Do you think he or she has learned a lot from you? Some of the great things about marriage are the abilities to learn from each other, teach each other, and to play off each other’s strengths.

My husband has taught me to slow down. He’s taught me that I don’t have to be perfect and that I deserve to be loved, just the way I am. I’ve also learned from him that life is too short to spend so much time worrying and fussing, and the fact that life is too short too waste precious moments that we can never get back.

At one time, I worked during many of the holidays. It was the nature of my job and I felt important there. I think that’s what pulled me to do it. I just knew the place would fall apart if I wasn’t there, and in my insecurity, I needed to be needed. I needed to be important.

My husband sat me down one day and began showing me photos of various holidays and get-togethers. He didn’t point out the fact that I wasn’t in any of the photos or that I was in my work clothes in the ones I did appear in; he didn’t have to. He didn’t get angry or act nasty. He lovingly showed me that I was indeed needed and important – to my family.

We are both committed to doing everything in our power to spend every important date together as a family.

I’ve never felt more loved or wanted in my life than I have since I met my husband. My minor flaws don’t matter because he sees me through eyes filled with genuine love. My major flaws he’s helped me work on with love and patience, which has helped me develop patience with my children.

I know I am a better person for having met my husband. That may sound a little cliché, but for me it could not be truer.

What have you learned from your spouse?

Lasting Marriages

It’s the Little Things