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Easy Peach Dumplins’

This time of year is frantic for everyone. I am a list minute kind of gal, so I thrive on the rush. I plan in my head what I want to do but I don’t execute my plan until there is no time to spare. Today, is no different. I have went through my day doing my usual chores. My family starts gathering tonight so that everyone can make it to my grandmother’s for dinner before we all get caught up in the big Christmas rush. To save my poor grandmother from cooking for all seventy of us, we pitch in and bring a dish. It seems as though, I have waited too long to start on my desserts in order to be ready in less than one hour. So I pulled out this old fashioned recipe that I have made for years. It’s baking while I’m typing. When it’s done, I am out the door. No time lost. It will take about 15 minutes to prepare and 45-50 minutes to bake. So if your in a hurry for a dessert, try this one.

You will need:

2 Cups all purpose flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

2/3 cup melted butter

1/2 Cup milk

1 large can peaches, sliced and drained

For the sauce, you will need:

1 and 1/2 Cup sugar

1 and 1/2 Cup water

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

2 Tablespoons butter, melted

Here is what you do:
Preheat oven to 375 degrees

Take the flour, baking powder, salt and butter and mix together throughly
Add milk and peaches. mix together. Put in a greased casserole dish and set aside. Now, mix sugar, water, cinnamon, nutmeg and melted butter together in a bowl until all is blended. Poor over top of the peach dumplings. Bake in the oven for 45-50 minutes. Allow to cool. Enjoy

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About Jennifer Frye

Jennifer Frye is a stay at home mother with five children, four boys and one girl, including a set of boy/girl twins. She and her husband have been married for 14 years and they raise a small farm in a little town in West Virginia. Her two older boys participate in the local Swine Club and raise their own pigs for projects. She enjoys sharing her experiences as a mother and finds that everyday is a story. Her goals are to raise her children up with respect and dignity and knowledge. She loves cooking for her family and loves sharing her hobby with her children. She incorporates cooking as a family activity and gets everyone involved. Besides cooking, she loves to read and she keeps journals of her daily life with her children for the future. She has been a Sunday School teacher, ran her own day care in her home and during the summer, she teaches children about cooking. She feels that every child should know the basics of cooking.