One major financial mistake that several people make is joining a gym at the beginning of the new year. There is nothing wrong with joining a gym, if you are going to use the membership. If not you usually sign up for a year contract that is difficult to break, and you end up wasting money that you could use elsewhere. You can run into the same difficulty when you are considering joining a weight loss group as well. Here are five things to consider before you sign that gym contract.
1) You should try out the gym first and make sure it is a good fit for you. Is it convenient for you to stop there and exercise on a regular basis? Are you going to make the time to go more than once a week?
2) Shop around. Many gyms run specials this time of year so that they can attract new members with those weight loss goals. You should look at everything your gym offers. Does it include free childcare? Are there children’s classes available? Is there a family discount available?
3) Read the fine print in the contract. What happens if you can no longer exercise due to an injury? What if you move? Is there anyway to break the contract if it doesn’t work out for you?
4) Have you considered your local recreation center or city sponsored gym? What about a gym available at your office or your apartment complex? If you like the exercise classes have you considered those offered by your local parks and recreation group?
5) Make sure you schedule time to go into the gym on a regular basis. If you make it a habit to attend then you should have no problem justifying the expense of a gym membership. It is important to stay healthy and fit. You just need to make sure you use the services you are paying for.
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