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A New Year of Marriage

Tomorrow, the New Year begins, which gives each of us a fresh start not only in general but also in our marriages. Is there anything you’d like to change or do differently? Do you and your spouse have special goals you hope to meet this year? Are you looking forward to a fresh start?

I hope every resolution includes the wish to be more loving and more lovable to our spouses. I want to take this opportunity to show my husband how important and special he is to me, each and every day, not just on special occasions. I want him to know my love is genuine and unconditional, even when we don’t agree, or we feel irritable toward each other, or things just aren’t going well. I want him to know he can always trust my love and rely on me.

I hope those who have had a rough year will have the chance to begin anew. Sometimes, a fresh start can bring everything better into perspective. What seemed impossible may seem less difficult now that you’ve made it through another year, another holiday season, another few months, together.

Give your spouse a clean slate and a fresh start, and don’t deny yourself this opportunity either. If you haven’t been the best spouse, there’s no better time to improve. And, we all have room for improvement, so don’t beat yourself up. Just make a resolution to try harder.

We’ll also be beginning a new year here in the Marriage Blog, and I’d really love to have some input from our readers. We have plenty to debate and many interesting topics to discuss, but it would really be great to hear from you. Is there anything special you’d like to see addressed in the upcoming year?

Most of all, I’d like to wish each of you a Happy New Year! May your lives and your marriages be filled with peace, health, hope, happiness, prosperity, and genuine love.

Related Reading:

Where Do You See Your Marriage in the New Year?

What are You Doing for New Year’s Eve?

Things My Husband has Taught Me