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Military Preparations for the Beginning & End of the Holidays

With the holidays upon us there are many things you should know before going on one. The first one is always make sure you have permission to go, yes even families have to have the okay. Well, not the families per say but the marine. Never forget to get that permission before leaving town, I’ve seen too many young marine families get in trouble for not doing this. If you do get permission make sure you will be able to make it back on time.

For a few more traveling tips don’t forget to read:

Holiday Travel on the Road Again Money Saving Tips

Traveling with Children Fall Lessons Learned

Prepare for the trip ahead of time. I know with the holidays you feel like doing things at the drop of a hat, but by proper planning everything goes right. Imagine deciding to go to grandma’s house for the holidays but forgetting the presents, or worse diapers. Make a check list and check everything off as it goes into the car. Find out for sure if someone is going to be at the other end of that trip expecting you. I remember one year we decided to surprise family, it ended we had the surprise everyone had went out of town because no one was expecting us. Make sure everyone has an enjoyable time this holiday season, not one that is wasted.

Now that all those Christmas parties have come and gone you are just starting to relax, but lo and behold it is time for a routine to come back in order. Many of us military families get used to the relaxed routine that comes along with the “Winter Break,” children come home for three weeks from school and your spouse gets a couple days off. But now suddenly you are forced to make yet another switch, the switch back. I find this to be one of the hardest ones to cope with. You’ve enjoyed having your children and your spouse home every day, all day long and now you must watch each one leave.

As the days grow closer to the kids going back to school you may want to try to getting back to the sleep schedule, this way they will be ready when school starts back up. The night before your spouse must go back to work you may want to make sure the alarm clock is actually set to the correct time. There is nothing worse than showing up late that first day back. For the mom that is left home alone on that first day, sit back and relax, I’m sure if you’ve had kids home all break then you need one now. This is your chance, wipe away those tears and take a deep hot soak in the tub.

For more tips on getting yourself on a schedule:

Putting Yourself on a Schedule the Soltion to Overwhelm