Photo by Bill Kolios
2006 was a decent year for me. The highlight was getting hired on by as one of their Pets Bloggers. I’m still new (come January 1, I’ll celebrate my one month anniversary), and I’m still learning. But already in that short time I’ve learned so much from reading the other blogs as well as through my own research.
And now it’s that time of year: Time to bid fond farewell to the past year, while anticipating the arrival of the new one.
I like making resolutions. It keeps me honest and gives me something to shoot for. Posting it publicly will really keep me honest.
So, to kick off the New Year, here’s what I’m shooting to accomplish in my blogs in 2007:
• Continue to promote the importance of being kind, considerate, and compassionate to the animals we share this Earth with.
• Feature more organizations dedicated to animals, be they ones helping animals or training animals to help others.
• Feature pet friendly activities that the whole family can enjoy.
• Emphasize the lighter side of life with animals and how endearing their antics can be.
But why stop with the above? While I’m at it, here’s what I’ll resolve personally to do in 2007:
• Spend more time playing with Murphy and Kitty.
• Put my spending dollars to work helping animals by getting a Chase Credit Card, either a ASPCA Platinum Visa Card, a Best Friends Animal Sanctuary Platinum Visa Card, or a World Wildlife Fund Platinum Visa Card.
• Make it a point to click more frequently on the purple button at the Animal Rescue Site. (I try to remember daily, but sometimes I forget.)
2006, I tip my hat to you. It’s time for you to take your place in history as the New Year steps forward. Rest easy, dear friend. Thanks for the memories.
As for you 2007 … welcome! I don’t quite know what lies beyond your door, but I’m excited for the adventure ahead and look forward to making your acquaintance. Cheers to you!