Many people ask, what is a typical work day at home. Typical? Define typical. There is nothing typical about any of my days, though I wish there was. (I do know others who are very scheduled, that’s just not me).
Basically I make a list and cross it off. I have scheduled calls on Mondays, but otherwise I am not really “scheduled”. I find that my mornings are often my errand time, and I work in the afternoon, but every day is different.
Luckily for me, my son is in school so we have to all be up by 7 am. Otherwise I don’t know if I’d get out of bed. I try to get Alex up then jump in the shower. If I don’t, on days I have no where to go, I will hang out in my PJ’s until at least noon. The morning just flies away.
I try to do my team calls on Mondays. I actually need to reschedule everyone since now on Mondays Billy has a voice in the morning. So I usually check email, get Billy dressed and we are out the door. Since his appointment is at my older son’s school, I double dip and volunteer in the classroom. Then Billy and I do errands. I try to come home by noon and do my team calls. Between calls, I do a little writing or updating on my site. Mondays usually fly and before I know it the day is done.
Tuesdays Billy goes to daycare. This is my day dedicated to visiting businesses and getting other things done that are hard to do with a child in tow. However, it is also very easy to go out to lunch with friends or play. I come home and do some writing or website updates.
Wednesdays are a free for all, there is no reason for me to leave the house. I do a lot of work on the computer. I force myself (and I say force because it’s easy to get lost in work) to schedule playtime with Billy.
Thursdays I volunteer at school again in the morning and Billy has Kindermusik in the afternoon. Thursdays are always my going postal days for things that can wait. I also tutor.
Fridays are my play day. I do some work, but focus on spending time with Billy.
For Discovery Toys I schedule parties for Tuesdays and Thursdays and 2 Saturdays a month. I do 1 to 2 a week.
Then weekends vary. Sometimes I have parties or craft shows. Sometimes I just play, other times I work to get articles with deadlines done.
So that is my “scheduled” structure week.